
1252 Resultats

INMA-Menorca, la nostra cohort pionera

La setmana passada la Dra. Mònica Guxens, directora del Projecte INMA, i Susana Gros, Project Manager del Projecte INMA, van visitar la cohort INMA-Menorca on actualment s’està duent a terme una nova visita de seguiment coordinada pel Dr. Maties Torrent.

I res no seria possible sense el suport d’en Felix Vinent i de les treballadores de camp, Lidia Naharro i Helena Pelegrí!

27 anys tenen ja els/les voluntaris/es d’INMA Menorca!!! El nostre agraïment més sincer als més de 250 voluntaris d’aquesta cohort que segueixen col·laborant amb nosaltres.

Neurodesenvolupament -
Soroll -

Exposure to noise at home, emotional behaviour, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in 9-year-old children

Alfanjarín Monfort I, Rebagliato M, Estarlich M, Cases A, Ballester F, Llop S, López-Espinosa MJ, González L. [Exposure to noise at home, emotional behaviour, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in 9-year-old children]. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2024 Aug 29;47(2):e1079. Spanish. PMID: 39223960

Activitat física - sedentarisme -
Salut respiratòria i atòpia -

Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and childhood asthma: a European collaborative analysis

Eijkemans M, Mommers M, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, Vrijkotte TGM, Ludvigsson J, Faresjö Å, Bergström A, Ekström S, Grote V, Koletzko B, Bønnelykke K, Eliasen AU, Bager P, Melbye M, Annesi-Maesano I, Baïz N, Barros H, Santos AC, Duijts L, Mensink-Bout SM, Flexeder C, Koletzko S, Schikowski T, Eggesbø MÅ, Lenters V, Fernández-Tardón G, Subiza-Perez M, Garcia-Aymerich J, López-Vicente M, Sunyer J, Torrent M, Ballester F, Kelleher C, Mehegan J, Berg AV, Herberth G, Standl M, Kuehni CE, Pedersen ESL, Jansen M, Gehring U, Boer JMA, Devereux G, Turner S, Peltola V, Lagström H, Inskip HM, Pike KC, Dalmeijer GW, Ent CKV, Thijs C. Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and childhood asthma: a European collaborative analysis. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2024 Aug 15;11(1):e001630. PMID: 39147399

Compostos tòxics no persistents -
Genètica -

Common genetic variants associated with urinary phthalate levels in children: A genome-wide study

Bustamante M, Balagué-Dobón L, Buko Z, Sakhi AK, Casas M, Maitre L, Andrusaityte S, Grazuleviciene R, Gützkow KB, Brantsæter AL, Heude B, Philippat C, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Yang TC, Wright J, Hough A, Ruiz-Arenas C, Nurtdinov RN, Escaramís G, González JR, Thomsen C, Vrijheid M. Common genetic variants associated with urinary phthalate levels in children: A genome-wide study. Environ Int. 2024 Aug;190:108845. PMID: 38945087

Epigenètica -
Salut reproductiva -

A Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics Consortium (PACE) meta-analysis highlights potential relationships between birth order and neonatal blood DNA methylation

Li S, Spitz N, Ghantous A, Abrishamcar S, Reimann B, Marques I, Silver MJ, Aguilar-Lacasaña S, Kitaba N, Rezwan FI, Röder S, Sirignano L, Tuhkanen J, Mancano G, Sharp GC, Metayer C, Morimoto L, Stein DJ, Zar HJ, Alfano R, Nawrot T, Wang C, Kajantie E, Keikkala E, Mustaniemi S, Ronkainen J, Sebert S, Silva W, Vääräsmäki M, Jaddoe VWV, Bernstein RM, Prentice AM, Cosin-Tomas M, Dwyer T, Håberg SE, Herceg Z, Magnus MC, Munthe-Kaas MC, Page CM, Völker M, Gilles M, Send T, Witt S, Zillich L, Gagliardi L, Richiardi L, Czamara D, Räikkönen K, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Arshad SH, Ewart S, Plusquin M, Felix JF, Moore SE, Vrijheid M, Holloway JW, Karmaus W, Herberth G, Zenclussen A, Streit F, Lahti J, Hüls A, Hoang TT, London SJ, Wiemels JL. A Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics Consortium (PACE) meta-analysis highlights potential relationships between birth order and neonatal blood DNA methylation. Commun Biol. 2024 Jan 9;7(1):66. PMID: 38195839

Genètica -
Salut reproductiva -

Integrating multiple lines of evidence to assess the effects of maternal BMI on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes

Borges MC, Clayton GL, Freathy RM, Felix JF, Fernández-Sanlés A, Soares AG, Kilpi F, Yang Q, McEachan RRC, Richmond RC, Liu X, Skotte L, Irizar A, Hattersley AT, Bodinier B, Scholtens DM, Nohr EA, Bond TA, Hayes MG, West J, Tyrrell J, Wright J, Bouchard L, Murcia M, Bustamante M, Chadeau-Hyam M, Jarvelin MR, Vrijheid M, Perron P, Magnus P, Gaillard R, Jaddoe VWV, Lowe WL Jr, Feenstra B, Hivert MF, Sørensen TIA, Håberg SE, Serbert S, Magnus M, Lawlor DA. Integrating multiple lines of evidence to assess the effects of maternal BMI on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. BMC Med. 2024 Jan 29;22(1):32. PMID: 38281920

Contaminació de l'aire -
Contaminació de l'aire -
Vitamina D -
Vitamina D -

Associations of gestational exposure to air pollution with maternal vitamin D levels: a meta-analysis

Binter AC, Ghassabian A, Zou R, El Marroun H, Lertxundi A, Switkowski KM, Estarlich M, Rodríguez-Dehli AC, Esplugues A, Vrijkotte T, Sunyer J, Santa-Marina L, Fernández-Somoano A, Polanska K, McEachan RRC, Oken E, Tiemeier H, Guxens M. Associations of gestational exposure to air pollution with maternal vitamin D levels: a meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Jun 13:dgae395. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgae395. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38870315

Compostos tòxics persistents -
Compostos tòxics persistents -
Exposoma -
Exposoma -
Lactància materna -
Lactància materna -
Nutrició -
Nutrició -
Salut reproductiva -
Salut reproductiva -

Estimating the dynamic early life exposure to PFOA and PFOS of the HELIX children: Emerging profiles via prenatal exposure, breastfeeding, and diet

Ratier A, Casas M, Grazuleviciene R, Slama R, Småstuen Haug L, Thomsen C, Vafeiadi M, Wright J, Zeman FA, Vrijheid M, Brochot C. Estimating the dynamic early life exposure to PFOA and PFOS of the HELIX children: Emerging profiles via prenatal exposure, breastfeeding, and diet. Environ Int. 2024 Apr;186:108621. PMID: 38593693

Contaminació de l'aire -
Contaminació de l'aire -
Neurodesenvolupament -
Neurodesenvolupament -

Childhood exposure to outdoor air pollution in different microenvironments and cognitive and fine motor function in children from six European cohorts

Domínguez A, Koch S, Marquez S, de Castro M, Urquiza J, Evandt J, Oftedal B, Aasvang GM, Kampouri M, Vafeiadi M, Mon-Williams M, Lewer D, Lepeule J, Andrusaityte S, Vrijheid M, Guxens M, Nieuwenhuijsen M. Childhood exposure to outdoor air pollution in different microenvironments and cognitive and fine motor function in children from six European cohorts. Environ Res. 2024 Apr 15;247:118174. PMID: 38244968.

Compostos tòxics no persistents -
Compostos tòxics persistents -
Compostos tòxics no persistents -
Compostos tòxics persistents -
Creixement postnatal i Obesitat -
Creixement postnatal i Obesitat -
Metabolòmica -
Metabolòmica -

Prenatal Exposure to Chemical Mixtures and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Children

Güil-Oumrait N, Stratakis N, Maitre L, Anguita-Ruiz A, Urquiza J, Fabbri L, Basagaña X, Heude B, Haug LS, Sakhi AK, Iszatt N, Keun HC, Wright J, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Bustamante M, Grazuleviciene R, Andrušaityte S, Slama R, McEachan R, Casas M, Vrijheid M. Prenatal Exposure to Chemical Mixtures and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 May 1;7(5):e2412040. PMID: 38780942

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