
2001. urtean, emakume haurdunen kohortea biltzeari ekin zitzaion Granadako Ospitale Klinikoan eta Almeriako “Hospital de Poniente”n. Helburu nagusia, hain zuzen ere, gizonezko jaioberrien gernu-hodian ematen diren malformazioen garrantzia aztertzea zen.

Ildo horretan, ikerlariak ondorengo erlazioa frogatzen saiatu ziren: ama denbora luzez egoten bazen disruptore endokrinoekin kontaktuan (eta horiek dira jarduera hormonala duten ingurumeneko konposatu kimikoak), umeak kriptorkidia eta hipospadiak izan zitzakeen.

Hori zela eta, semeak izandako 700en bat emakume bildu zituzten, eta haietatik 50etik gora kasu indexaturik zeuden (kriptorkidia eta/edo hipospadiak). Horrekin batera, 150 jaioberriren kontrol-ikerketa bat jarri zen martxan, amaren dietari azido folikoa gehituta haurdunaldian.

Ama-semeen eta jaiotzen kohortea oso informazio erabilgarria ematen ari da jarduera hormonala duten konposatu kimikoekiko ama-haurren esposizioaz. Hasi diren ikerketa hauek zenbait puntu agerian uzteko balio izan dute: alde batetik, amaren esposizioaren garrantzia, eta, bestaldetik, Europako beste lurraldeekiko dauden eskualde-desberdintasunak. Esposizio-markatzaileen aplikazio gehigarria erabilgarri suertatzen ari da, konposatu kimikoen eta efektu-hormonalaren arteko elkarreragina ezagutu ahal izateko.


  • Entidades Colaboradoras:


98 Resultados

Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Neurodesarrollo -

Association of placental concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals with cognitive functioning in preschool children from the Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project

Freire C, Vela-Soria F, Beneito A, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Ibarluzea J, Barreto FB, Casas M, Vrijheid M, Fernandez-Tardon G, Riaño-Galan I, Fernandez MF; INMA Project. Association of placental concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals with cognitive functioning in preschool children from the Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2020 Aug 11;230:113597. PMID: 32795877

Alteraciones hormonales -
Cardiometabólico -
Metales -

Association of urinary metal concentrations with blood pressure and serum hormones in Spanish male adolescents

Castiello F, Olmedo P, Gil F, et al. Association of urinary metal concentrations with blood pressure and serum hormones in Spanish male adolescents. Environ Res. 2020;182:108958. PMID: 31835118

Contaminación del aire -
Neurodesarrollo -

Prenatal and postnatal exposure to air pollution and emotional and aggressive symptoms in children from 8 European birth cohorts

Jorcano A, Lubczyńska MJ, Pierotti L, Altug H, Ballester F, Cesaroni G, El Marroun H, Fernández-Somoano A, Freire C, Hanke W, Hoek G, Ibarluzea J, Iñiguez C, Jansen PW, Lepeule J, Markevych I, Polańska K, Porta D, Schikowski T, Slama R, Standl M, Tardon A, Vrijkotte TGM, von Berg A, Tiemeier H, Sunyer J, Guxens M. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to air pollution and emotional and aggressive symptoms in children from 8 European birth cohorts. Environ Int. 2019 Oct;131:104927. PMID: 31326824

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Neurodesarrollo -

Bisphenol A and cognitive function in school-age boys: Is BPA predominantly related to behavior?

Rodríguez-Carrillo A, Mustieles V, Pérez-Lobato R, Molina-Molina JM, Reina-Pérez I, Vela-Soria F, Rubio S, Olea N, Fernández MF. Bisphenol A and cognitive function in school-age boys: Is BPA predominantly related to behavior?. Neurotoxicology. 2019 Sep;74:162-171. PMID: 31238050

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -

Bisphenol A and adiposity measures in peripubertal boys from the INMA-Granada cohort

Mustieles V, Casas M, Ferrando-Marco P, Ocón-Hernández O, Reina-Pérez I, Rodríguez-Carrillo A, Vela-Soria F, Pérez-Lobato R, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Freire C, Olea N, Fernández MF. Bisphenol A and adiposity measures in peripubertal boys from the INMA-Granada cohort. Environ Res. 2019 Jun;173:443-451. PMID: 30974370

Metales -
Salud reproductiva -

Placental metal concentrations and birth outcomes: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) project

Freire C, Amaya E, Gil F, Murcia M, LLop S, Casas M, Vrijheid M, Lertxundi A, Irizar A, Fernández-Tardón G, Castro-Delgado RV, Olea N, Fernández MF; INMA Project. Placental metal concentrations and birth outcomes: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) project. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2019 Apr;222(3):468-478. PMID: 30638867

Alteraciones hormonales -
Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Tabaco -

Bisphenol A and reproductive hormones and cortisol in peripubertal boys: The INMA-Granada cohort

Mustieles V, Ocón-Hernandez O, Mínguez-Alarcón L, Dávila-Arias C, Pérez-Lobato R, Calvente I, Arrebola JP, Vela-Soria F, Rubio S, Hauser R, Olea N, Fernández MF. Bisphenol A and reproductive hormones and cortisol in peripubertal boys: The INMA-Granada cohort. Sci Total Environ. 2018 Mar 15;618:1046-1053. PMID: 29100688

Campos electromagnéticos -

Spatial and temporal variability of personal environmental exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in children in Europe

Birks LE, Struchen B, Eeftens M, van Wel L, Huss A, Gajšek P, Kheifets L, Gallastegi M, Dalmau-Bueno A, Estarlich M, Fernandez MF, Meder IK, Ferrero A, Jiménez-Zabala A, Torrent M, Vrijkotte TGM, Cardis E, Olsen J, Valič B, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M, Röösli M, Guxens M. Spatial and temporal variability of personal environmental exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in children in Europe. Environ Int. 2018 Aug;117:204-214. PMID: 29754001

Metales -
Neurodesarrollo -

Prenatal co-exposure to neurotoxic metals and neurodevelopment in preschool children: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project

Freire C, Amaya E, Gil F, Fernández MF, Murcia M, Llop S, Andiarena A, Aurrekoetxea J, Bustamante M, Guxens M, Ezama E, Fernández-Tardón G, Olea N; INMA Project. Prenatal co-exposure to neurotoxic metals and neurodevelopment in preschool children: The Environment and Childhood (INMA) Project. Sci Total Environ. 2018 Apr 15;621:340-351. PMID: 29190557

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -

QuEChERS and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of parabens and ultraviolet filters in human milk samples

Vela-Soria F, Iribarne-Durán LM, Mustieles V, Jiménez-Díaz I, Fernández MF, Olea N. QuEChERS and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of parabens and ultraviolet filters in human milk samples. J Chromatogr A. 2018 Apr 20;1546:1-9. PMID: 29525126

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