
2001. urtean, emakume haurdunen kohortea biltzeari ekin zitzaion Granadako Ospitale Klinikoan eta Almeriako “Hospital de Poniente”n. Helburu nagusia, hain zuzen ere, gizonezko jaioberrien gernu-hodian ematen diren malformazioen garrantzia aztertzea zen.

Ildo horretan, ikerlariak ondorengo erlazioa frogatzen saiatu ziren: ama denbora luzez egoten bazen disruptore endokrinoekin kontaktuan (eta horiek dira jarduera hormonala duten ingurumeneko konposatu kimikoak), umeak kriptorkidia eta hipospadiak izan zitzakeen.

Hori zela eta, semeak izandako 700en bat emakume bildu zituzten, eta haietatik 50etik gora kasu indexaturik zeuden (kriptorkidia eta/edo hipospadiak). Horrekin batera, 150 jaioberriren kontrol-ikerketa bat jarri zen martxan, amaren dietari azido folikoa gehituta haurdunaldian.

Ama-semeen eta jaiotzen kohortea oso informazio erabilgarria ematen ari da jarduera hormonala duten konposatu kimikoekiko ama-haurren esposizioaz. Hasi diren ikerketa hauek zenbait puntu agerian uzteko balio izan dute: alde batetik, amaren esposizioaren garrantzia, eta, bestaldetik, Europako beste lurraldeekiko dauden eskualde-desberdintasunak. Esposizio-markatzaileen aplikazio gehigarria erabilgarri suertatzen ari da, konposatu kimikoen eta efektu-hormonalaren arteko elkarreragina ezagutu ahal izateko.


  • Entidades Colaboradoras:


98 Resultados

Neurodesarrollo -
Neurodesarrollo -
Salud reproductiva -
Salud reproductiva -

Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Synergy for the Influence of the Month of Birth in ADHD (SIMBA) study group. Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry. 2023 Dec;10(12):922-933. PMID: 37898142

Genética -
Genética -

Rapid extraction and analysis of oxidative stress and DNA damage biomarker 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine: Application to a study with pregnant women

Bláhová L, Janoš T, Mustieles V, Rodríguez-Carrillo A, Fernández MF, Bláha L. Rapid extraction and analysis of oxidative stress and DNA damage biomarker 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine: Application to a study with pregnant women. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2023 May;250:114175. PMID: 37105016

Alteraciones hormonales -
Alteraciones hormonales -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -

Xeno-estrogenic activity of real-life mixtures of perfluoroalkylated substances in human placenta homogenates

Wielsøe M, Molina-Molina JM, Rodríguez-Carrillo A, Mustieles V, Olea N, Fernandez MF, Bonefeld-Jørgensen EC. Xeno-estrogenic activity of real-life mixtures of perfluoroalkylated substances in human placenta homogenates. Reprod Toxicol. 2023 Sep;120:108444. PMID: 37473930

Marcadores inflamación -
Marcadores-biomarcadores -

Development and validation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor measurement in human urine samples as a non-invasive effect biomarker

Olivas-Martinez A, Suarez B, Salamanca-Fernandez E, Reina-Perez I, Rodriguez-Carrillo A, Mustieles V, Olea N, Freire C, Fernández MF. Development and validation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor measurement in human urine samples as a non-invasive effect biomarker. Front Mol Neurosci. 2023 Jan 12;15:1075613. PMID: 36710936

Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Marcadores-biomarcadores -

Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge

Rodríguez-Carrillo A, Mustieles V, Salamanca-Fernández E, Olivas-Martínez A, Suárez B, Bajard L, Baken K, Blaha L, Bonefeld-Jørgensen EC, Couderq S, D’Cruz SC, Fini JB, Govarts E, Gundacker C, Hernández AF, Lacasaña M, Laguzzi F, Linderman B, Long M, Louro H, Neophytou C, Oberemn A, Remy S, Rosenmai AK, Saber AT, Schoeters G, Silva MJ, Smagulova F, Uhl M, Vinggaard AM, Vogel U, Wielsøe M, Olea N, Fernández MF. Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2023 Apr;249:114140. PMID: 36841007

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Desarrollo sexual -
Desarrollo sexual -

Exposure to non-persistent pesticides and sexual maturation of Spanish adolescent males

Castiello F, Suárez B, Gómez-Vida J, Torrent M, Fernández MF, Olea N, Freire C. Exposure to non-persistent pesticides and sexual maturation of Spanish adolescent males. Chemosphere. 2023 May;324:138350. PMID: 36907483.

Alteraciones hormonales -
Alteraciones hormonales -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -

Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and association with thyroid hormones in adolescent males

Freire C, Vela-Soria F, Castiello F, Salamanca-Fernández E, Quesada-Jiménez R, López-Alados MC, Fernández M, Olea N. Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and association with thyroid hormones in adolescent males. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2023 Jul:252:114219. PMID: 37451108

Alteraciones hormonales -
Alteraciones hormonales -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos persistentes -

Kisspeptin as potential biomarker of environmental chemical mixture effect on reproductive hormone profile: A pilot study in adolescent males

Rodriguez-Carrillo A, Remy S, D’Cruz SC, Salamanca-Fernandez E, Gil F, Olmedo P, Mustieles V, Vela-Soria F, Baken K, Olea N, Smagulova F, Fernandez MF, Freire C. Kisspeptin as potential biomarker of environmental chemical mixture effect on reproductive hormone profile: A pilot study in adolescent males. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Apr 10;868:161668. PMID: 36657687

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Desarrollo sexual -
Desarrollo sexual -

Childhood exposure to non-persistent pesticides and pubertal development in Spanish girls and boys: Evidence from the INMA (Environment and Childhood) cohort

Castiello F, Suárez B, Beneito A, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Santa-Marina L, Lertxundi A, Tardón A, Riaño-Galán I, Casas M, Vrijheid M, Olea N, Fernández MF, Freire C. Childhood exposure to non-persistent pesticides and pubertal development in Spanish girls and boys: Evidence from the INMA (Environment and Childhood) cohort. Environ Pollut. 2023 Jan 1;316(Pt 2):120571. PMID: 36356884

Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Compuestos tóxicos no persistentes -
Epigenética -
Epigenética -

Genome-wide distribution of histone trimethylation reveals a global impact of bisphenol A on telomeric binding proteins and histone acetyltransferase factors: a pilot study with human and in vitro data

D’Cruz SC, Hao C, Labussiere M, Mustieles V, Freire C, Legoff L, Magnaghi-Jaulin L, Olivas-Martinez A, Rodriguez-Carrillo A, Jaulin C, David A, Fernandez MF, Smagulova F. Genome-wide distribution of histone trimethylation reveals a global impact of bisphenol A on telomeric binding proteins and histone acetyltransferase factors: a pilot study with human and in vitro data. Clin Epigenetics. 2022 Dec 26;14(1):186. PMID: 36572933

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