Preterm birth, infant weight gain, and childhood asthma risk: A meta-analysis of 147,000 European children
Sonnenschein-van der Voort AM, Arends LR, de Jongste JC, Annesi-Maesano I, Arshad SH, Barros H, Basterrechea M, Bisgaard H, Chatzi L, Corpeleijn E, Correia S, Craig LC, Devereux G, Dogaru C, Dostal M, Duchen K, Eggesbø M, van der Ent CK, Fantini MP. Preterm birth, infant weight gain, and childhood asthma risk: A meta-analysis of 147,000 European children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 May;133(5):1317-29. PMID: 24529685