Preview of the first chapter of the Goazen series for the children of the Inma Gipuzkoa Cohort
Last Friday, October 20, 2017 in Azpeitia, we were able to enjoy, thanks to the collaboration of the actors of the successful GOAZEN (Pausoka Entertainment), of the preview of the first chapter of the new season.
Many children from the INMA Gipuzkoa cohort were enthusiastic about the preview and later photocol with some actors of the series who were present during the screening and ready to answer questions and take pictures with all the children who were encouraged to attend.
We thank Nerea and Asier (actors of GOAZEN), PAUSOKA, the city council of Azpeitia and all of the children of INMA Gipuzkoa for attending and being able to enjoy such a special afternoon.
The INMA Project (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) is conducting a collaborative research study of different cohorts in six different areas of Spain. The Gipuzkoa cohort began in 2006 and the main objective is to study the effects of the environment and diet on the fetus and the development of the children included in it.
During the 2018 project, the INMA Project ( will begin the monitoring of these children that we know from the pregnancy and who are between 10 and 11 years old.
Thanks to them and them, we have been able to study and learn many things about the relationship between early environmental factors and child health.